新宿歌舞伎町 Zirco Tokyo (ジルコトーキョー) スケジュール
Over the wall vol.19 White Waves 『関東ドサ周り new waveツアー』〜O-EASTへ〜
- [ACT]
- LiMELiGHT / 星追い / STAR BABYS / The 7:18 / White Waves
- 18:00/18:30
- [料金]
- ADV/DOOR ¥2,300/¥2,800 (1Drink代金¥600別途必要)
(問)Zirco Tokyo 03-6278-9190 / info@zirco-tokyo.jp
SAVEwizOUT" https://www.savewizout.com
LiMELiGHT https://limelight-web.jimdo.com/
星追い https://twitter.com/hoshioiband
STAR BABYS https://twitter.com/starbabys_ye The
7:18 https://twitter.com/The_7_18_jp
White Waves https://twitter.com/whitewaves_offi
SAVEwizOUT" https://www.savewizout.com
LiMELiGHT https://limelight-web.jimdo.com/
星追い https://twitter.com/hoshioiband
STAR BABYS https://twitter.com/starbabys_ye The
7:18 https://twitter.com/The_7_18_jp
White Waves https://twitter.com/whitewaves_offi